Should you worry about your patient's steroid when considering immunizations?
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1. Counselling Conundrum: a real question from a patient
2. Concise Conclusion: a straight-forward patient-friendly answer
3. Quick Wrap-up
Clearly, there are nuances that may not be captured in this format. The goal here is to provide you with helpful counselling tips which often draw from multiple sources or those which are not commonly accessed by busy healthcare providers serving the community.
Counselling Conundrum: "I just got a steroid injection in my knee for inflammation. Should I wait a while to get my flu shot, since it makes my system weak?"
Concise Conclusion: Although steroids do lower your immune system's defenses, an injection in your knee does not get into your body the same as a pill or something similar, so no worries!
Quick Wrap-up: Don't worry about topical or respiratory steroids either, assuming your patient is not taking larger doses than recommended.
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